Annual Reviews


Facts & Figures

Read about the year-round events and challenges ARQ National Psychotrauma Centre faced, in a transparent Annual Review, including facts and figures. What has ARQ done at national and international levels, and what are we proud of?

Annual Review 2023

In the ARQ Annual Review 2023, we take you through the celebrations of our golden jubilee year. You will also read more about the importance of psychosocial support within a professional organisation, as well as about ARQ's work in countries in war and conflict such as Ukraine, Syria or the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Annual Review 2022

Usually in the Annual Review we look back at the previous year, but this time it is different. We are celebrating ARQ's golden jubilee this year and therefore chose an Anniversary Annual Review with the motto 'Connected. Then now & in the future'. In this Annual Review 2022, patients, clients, practitioners and scientists tell how versatile ARQ has become over the past 50 years.

Annual Review 2021

In 2021, we were ready to provide support to clients and healthcare professionals despite corona restrictions (also online, if we could not help in person). You can read more about that in this Annual Review 2021, as well as about the impact of the war in Ukraine on the psyche of those affected, among other things. 

Annual Review 2020

2020 was an exceptional year for everyone. A year of remembrance and crises, but also of hope. In the Annual Review 2020, we describe how ARQ was able to make a difference. It features themes such as 75 years of freedom in the Netherlands, the study into the well-being of Dutchbat III veterans, and the corona crisis.  

You will find all the figures clearly set out in the ARQ annual reports