Intervention Vol 21| Issue 2
July - December 2023
Intervention, the Journal of Mental Health and Psychosocial Support in Conflict Affected Areas, is a peer reviewed scientific journal, providing a forum for professionals working in conflict affected areas and in the aftermath of natural disasters, and for those working with refugees from these regions. Intervention is an inclusive and open access journal published twice per year under the auspices of ARQ National Psychotrauma Centre (ARQ).
"What can other MHPSS professionals learn from you and your colleagues?"
Delivering Excellent MHPSS:
How to Contextualise Quality Assurance?
Welcome to the second issue of Intervention in 2023. Before delving into the contents of this issue, I would like to highlight our call for papers on the theme: “Contextualised MHPSS quality assurance.”... read the editorial here
Field reports
Co-creation as a Methodology to Integrate Mental Health and Psychosocial Support and Peacebuilding >>
Cognitive Processing Therapy for the Treatment of PTSD, Depression, Anxiety Symptoms and Difficulties in Emotion Regulation in Syrian Refugee Women Exposed to Intimate Partner Violence >>
Challenges and Opportunities for Mental Health and Psychosocial Support Programming During Ukraine Refugee Crisis in Czechia. >>
Incremental Cost Analysis of Training of Trainers and Helpers in Problem Management Plus (PM+) Using an Ensuring Quality in Psychological Support (EQUIP) Competency-based Approach in Nepal. >>
The Use of Comics to Promote a Community-based Peer-support Intervention among Young Refugees in a Camp in Greece. >>
Investigating the Feasibility and Impact of Perinatal Depression Screening and Treatment in Rural Nsambe, Malawi. >>
Prevalence and Predictors of Post-traumatic Stress Symptoms among Uyghurs Abroad. >>
Protocol for a Randomized Hybrid Type 2 Trial on the Implementation of Group Problem Management Plus (PM+) for Venezuelan Women Refugees and Migrants in Colombia. >>
Personal Reflections
Working as a Therapist while Suffering War in Ukraine >>
Read the latest issue
With 2 field reports, 6 articles and 1 personal reflection

Wolters Kluwer Medknow