Touch base
A curriculum for growing up well
Touch Base has been designed for adolescents from 14 to 18 years old. It can possibly also be used for adolescents up to 21, as long as the age differences within the group are not more than three years. It is based on 27 focus group discussions conducted with Syrian, Yamni, Iraqi refugees and vulnerable Jordanians in 2019, in which young people expressed that the need for well-being and psychosocial health is often overlooked. This issue was also first mentioned by parents who participated in Medair psychosocial peer support groups in urban Jordan.
The goal and themes of this curriculum
To promote adolescents' well-being and healthy psychosocial development, in addition to creating room for improved communication between adolescents and their parents/caregivers. More specifically, the overall objectives of the
curriculum are:
- Adolescents feel supported in their self-development (i.e., development of social, emotional and self-management
skills). - Adolescents feel better able to communicate with their parents/caregivers about issues they care about.
- Adolescents feel more connected to each other, their family and their community.
Caregivers feel supported in parenting/communicating with their adolescent children.
This curriculum revolves around four themes:
- ME,
- ME & my family
- ME & my community
- ME & my future
Who is this manual meant for?
This manual is meant for facilitators to facilitate sessions with adolescents and caregivers and for non-profit organisations to train facilitators. The facilitators are the community workers or other professionals, paraprofessionals or volunteers who are trained and then lead the sessions in this curriculum with participants. Goals, background information, key messages, and activities are described for each session to help facilitators deliver the sessions and reach the aims of each session.
ARQ International