Psychosocial aid in Ukraine with support from Giro555
Addressing the impact of war on mental health
The war in Ukraine is having a severe impact on the mental health and psychosocial well-being of the population. ARQ is working with Ukrainian mental health professionals to build their knowledge of how to address complex trauma to support the resilience of Ukrainian communities. We also provide staff support to improve their wellbeing and prevent burnout.
ARQ has been a global expert in psychotrauma for decades. Set up to help victims of World War II, we know better than anyone else how conflict disrupts people's lives and entire communities. The psychological effects of war often echo through generations.
Mental health and psychosocial support are vital
Supporting the mental health and psychosocial wellbeing of communities in crisis is crucial to address immediate distress and prevent the long-term development of mental health and psychosocial disorder. While most people affected by violence will not develop long-term trauma symptoms, a small number will experience serious problems such as depression, sleep problems, aggression, substance use disorder, and PTSD.
How does ARQ supports Ukrainian mental health professionals?
With aid from Giro555, ARQ International offers psychosocial support to local healthcare providers in Ukraine, including doctors and GPs, social workers, psychologists, psychiatrists and humanitarian aid workers.
On the one hand, by sharing knowledge and skills in psychotrauma; on the other, by providing psychological support to the health care providers themselves. Our Ukrainian partners work primarily with internally displaced persons, survivors of sexual violence, veterans and families in armed conflict zones.

Sharing knowledge and skills in psychotrauma
Improving knowledge on psychotrauma
Most professionals are highly experienced in their field but work in a war environment for the first time. Their clients are faced with acute and often complex stress symptoms. ARQ's clinical experts deliver training, workshops, and mentoring for Ukrainian mental health professionals to enhance their knowledge and build skills to address the consequences of psychotrauma, such as family systems intervention, case management, 7ROSES methodology and art therapy.

Building on local capacity
Through a Training of Trainers model, ARQ equips Ukrainian mental health specialists with the tools to spread this new knowledge to their peers, building local capacity to respond to the effects of psychotrauma across twelve Oblasts. In the coming years, newly-trained professionals will lead community events for populations in need to reduce psychological distress and build resilience.

Psychological support to healthcare providers
Providing staff support to healthcare providers
Ukrainian health care providers are also experiencing the terrible war. They worry about family members, have children who have fled, and regularly have to seek safety for themselves. They care for others day and night, and consequently, the risk of them becoming overburdened and ignoring their needs is high.
Psychoeducation in self care and stress management
ARQ offers staff support consisting of psychoeducation in self care and stress management, as well as peer support conducted by experienced clinicians. Self care is often the last thing on their minds, but staying afloat in these stressful and challenging circumstances is essential. This is especially important in the long run. When it comes to rebuilding the country, the need for healthcare providers will be as high.

Would you like more information on this project?
ARQ International is a technical expertise partner. Would you like to know more about our work in Ukraine or in other regions like the Middle East and East and West Africa? Please feel free to contact us to explore the possibilities for new collaborations. Send an email to, and we will respond as soon as possible.
Support is still very welcome
The conflict in Ukraine continues. Psychosocial support is also needed in the long run. Please get in touch with us by mail if you would like to support our work financially.