A framework of meaning attribution following loss
Oration Geert Smid (2020)
Loss of a loved one is one of the most profound boundary experiences people go through in their lives. It can therefore induce disturbance of mental health.
In particular, palliative care (care for people who are incurably ill), mental health care, and spiritual care are important factors in the loss of a loved one. This framework examines the legacy of loss and trauma for individuals, families, and society and the implications for mental health. 'A framework of meaning attribution following loss' provides a comprehensive overview of the many circumstances that influence the meaning of loss and grief for the bereaved.
Prof. Geert Smid is Special ARQ Professor 'Psychotrauma, loss and grief after disasters and violence' at the University of Humanistic Studies in the Netherlands and psychiatrist at ARQ Centrum'45. On 2 October 2020, he delivered the oration on the occasion of his inauguration.

ARQ National Psychotrauma Centre
University of Humanistic Studies